Liver cancer is the most common form of cancer of the liver and can be fatal. When malignant cells begin to form in the liver, this condition can develop and, if left untreated, can lead to the liver's ultimate destruction. People who have liver cancer but aren't found until it's too late are at risk of having their livers taken out.

The indications of liver cancer that may be visible on the skin of the carrier will be examined in this article, which is based on a Mayo Clinic publication. The sooner you get medical attention for any of these symptoms, the better.
Is Liver Cancer Detectable Through the Skin?

1. Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin as a result of poor liver function. When the liver isn't working as it should, it can cause jaundice. According to research, liver cancer is one cause of this condition. For those who notice yellowing of the skin and eyes, it's best to obtain a liver checkup to make sure the organ is in good health.

2. Another indicator of liver cancer that may appear on the skin of a person with liver cancer is extreme itching of the skin. Getting a good liver checkup should be your first line of defense if you begin to experience excessive itching or itching that persists beyond what is considered normal or what you believe to be normal.
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